Xplain Data, a leading provider of Causal AI solutions, successfully participated in the Siemens AI with Purpose Summit 2023. The event took place in Munich on May 16-17. It brought together renowned experts and innovators from various fields to jointly master industrial AI.

Prof. Volker Tresp and Dr. Michael Haft, CEO of Xplain Data, took the stage during the summit not only to discuss the general importance of Causal AI. The focus was on its practical application in manufacturing by identifying cause-and-effect relationships in production data. Their informative session highlighted the importance of integrating causality as a fundamental part of AI systems. It emphasized the need to focus on “why” rather than just predicting “what” will happen. And assess the potential for change.

From smart factories to predictive maintenance and intelligent quality control, AI is revolutionizing every aspect of industrial operations. But the real question is: How can we successfully integrate AI into these environments and unlock its full potential?

This was discussed by 250+ of Siemens’ most trusted partners & peers – leading minds in AI – during 1.5 inspiring days in the Munich Urban Colab.

Xplain Data is proud to have contributed to the knowledge exchange and collaborative spirit of this renowned gathering – well placed in the Future of AI Summit track, where the hottest AI trends were discussed.

Watch the video recap below to get a quick glimpse of the spirit of the engaging session led by Prof Volker Tresp and Dr Michael Haft:


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