Our POC process turns your data into an intelligent application!

Experience how quickly novel solutions can be built, because:

All data is easily accessible in terms of holistic objects. Therefore, no painful data pre-processing or complex SQL queries are necessary.

Smart interfaces enable you to directly bind analysis results into web-based applications.

Custom and advanced algorithm development is much more agile – because without constraints and not prone to run into performance problems.

The quickest way to get there? Our proven POC process:

We hook our ObjectAnalytics Database to your data, and jointly start exploring your business objects with the CausalDiscoverer. You will enjoy a novel experience analyzing, for example, your “customers” across multiple data streams.

In this way, our Causal Discovery approach helps you to get a better understanding of potential “cause and effect” relationships that drive your business goals.

Insights gained will be the basis to define an application that turns “one shot analysis” into a repeatable analytical workflow. A draft implementation of such an application might be part of the POC.

Ready to discover cause-and-effect relationships in your data?

Challenge us!