Xplain Data CEO @Machine Learning Week 2023

ML Week 2023 Talk: From Correlation to Causation – The Hunt for the Culprit Behind Machine Failures

Let’s explore the realm of causality and expand our focus beyond manufacturing! Join us in Berlin to hear our CEO, Dr. Michael Haft, share his insights on November 15th @ML Week 2023!

Causal Discovery takes us a step further than Predictive Maintenance by delving into the causes of machine failures. We’ll discuss the unique challenges of identifying confounding factors in complex data sets and how to address these challenges in a practical way. During the event, we’ll showcase project results such as the continuous monitoring of a cylinder head production line by our DiscoveryBot, which alerts us to emerging factors that contribute to quality defects. We’ll also demonstrate the live application of causal discovery algorithms on an AWS instance hosting production data, and show how to interactively explore the results.

Interested in attending? Contact us (info@xplain-data.com) and we’ll send you an exclusive 15% discount code for your conference ticket.

The conference emphasizes the practical use of analytics such as predictive and prescriptive models, machine and deep learning, data and text mining, generative AI in industries. It covers analytical, technical, business and organizational aspects at strategic and operational levels. Sessions offer a variety of formats: Case studies, deep dives, keynotes and panels.

ML Week 2023 acts as a regional hub for the European data science community. It promotes the exchange of success stories and insights among experienced data scientists, analytics managers and AI innovators. They represent diverse industries, including manufacturing, logistics, marketing, e-commerce, finance, and more.